christina funderburg thomas:
come on in
christina funderburg thomas:
welcome committee
christina funderburg thomas:
the secret door
christina funderburg thomas:
a quiet passage
christina funderburg thomas:
Sunday in the country
christina funderburg thomas:
Early morning Scottish Ferry at Isle of Mull.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Foggy Morning Drive in Scottish Countryside.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
King of the World in Scotland.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Oban Scotland - Bizarre Jellyfish everywhere.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Oban Scotland - Harbor Hug.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Oban Scotland - Ships coming into harbor at sunset.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Oban Scotland - Tall Ship Heading Home at Sunset.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Oban Scotland - Watching over the Harbor.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Oban Scotland - Watching the sun set over the Harbor.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Scotland - Drive in the country.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Scotland - Foggy Morning Drive.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Scotland - View from the ferry
christina funderburg thomas:
Scottish Countryside - Foggy Morning.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Scottish Countryside Drive.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
Scottish Countryside What are you looking at
christina funderburg thomas:
Scottish Morning - Countryside Drive.jpg
christina funderburg thomas:
thick as a thistle