christikren: > > reflection > >
christikren: - - - - Lifestyle - - - -
christikren: _ _ _ <i <i <i _ _ _
christikren: = = = old narrow alley = = =
christikren: ° sihouettes and reflections °
christikren: ° ° ° ° christiansborg ° ° ° °
christikren: < CUBA - Classic car in red >
christikren: _____ playing on the roof ---------
christikren: The Giant Mural Painting
christikren: I I I I silhouette I I I I
christikren: _ _ _ long shadows _ _ _
christikren: _____ I I = = I I _____
christikren: a Chevy in green
christikren: Street scene in Havana
christikren: urban STYLE & dresses
christikren: °°° ° °° i °°°
christikren: The Departure Area
christikren: ° ° pulling the trolley ° °
christikren: ...... It's a rainy day ......
christikren: the cyclist in the city
christikren: the runner and Albert ...
christikren: Noir Et Blance II
christikren: run together
christikren: _ _ _ to the exit _ _ _
christikren: . . . at 5.09 p.m. . . .
christikren: . . . promenade du soir . . .
christikren: old town atmosphere
christikren: :: hard working man ::
christikren: _ the lady with hat _
christikren: People and Shadows