christiema: linhbergh + derek + michael
christiema: linhbergh + derek
christiema: linhbergh + derek
christiema: IMG_9329
christiema: linhbergh
christiema: linhbergh + derek
christiema: me + the sister
christiema: michael + the waitress + tiffany
christiema: me + the sister
christiema: the boyfriend
christiema: tiffany
christiema: the boyfriend
christiema: me + the boyfriend
christiema: tiffany
christiema: derek + tiffany + michael + me
christiema: IMG_9256
christiema: tiffany + michael
christiema: the boyfriend being cute
christiema: IMG_9113
christiema: IMG_9096
christiema: IMG_9087
christiema: me + the boyfriend
christiema: me + the boyfriend
christiema: michael + tiffany
christiema: michael + tiffany
christiema: IMG_9046
christiema: IMG_9040
christiema: IMG_9037
christiema: IMG_9036
christiema: IMG_9035