Christie Hale: The Woody Woodpecker Show
Christie Hale: Blue Jay
Christie Hale: Cardinal (female)
Christie Hale: Cedar Waxing
Christie Hale: Chickadee DT
Christie Hale: Downy Woodpecker (female)
Christie Hale: Downy Woodpecker (Male)
Christie Hale: Eye On You
Christie Hale: Field Sparrow
Christie Hale: Getting An Afternoon Drink
Christie Hale: Golden Finch
Christie Hale: Got Water
Christie Hale: Mr. Finch
Christie Hale: Red Belly
Christie Hale: The Sky Is Falling
Christie Hale: Titmouse
Christie Hale: Winter Cardinal
Christie Hale: You Lookin At Me
Christie Hale: Getting That Sweetwater
Christie Hale: Female Red- Belly
Christie Hale: Chick, Chick, Chickadee
Christie Hale: Rose-brested Grosbeak
Christie Hale: Hummer And Hibiscus
Christie Hale: Loudmouth
Christie Hale: Treetop Hummer
Christie Hale: Hummer/Pink Flower #2