cHr1st1an S images: undead face
cHr1st1an S images: the mystery means nothing it is unknowable
cHr1st1an S images: taking their time right behind my back
cHr1st1an S images: from top to bottom
cHr1st1an S images: waga seishun ni kuinashi - わが青春に悔なし
cHr1st1an S images: on the imaginary celestial sphere
cHr1st1an S images: the sun is burning black
cHr1st1an S images: the townspeople having a guilty secret to hide
cHr1st1an S images: part of me died
cHr1st1an S images: who's that girl?
cHr1st1an S images: run to the hills
cHr1st1an S images: perfect strangers down the line
cHr1st1an S images: with the rules assigned to this part of the universe
cHr1st1an S images: codes of existential geometries
cHr1st1an S images: modern love, two worlds collided
cHr1st1an S images: a message came back from the great beyond, two worlds collided
cHr1st1an S images: under my skin, two worlds collided
cHr1st1an S images: I’m waiting for the man, two worlds collided
cHr1st1an S images: nobody but you, two worlds collided
cHr1st1an S images: I'll still take the best you've go, two worlds collided
cHr1st1an S images: zen station, two worlds collided
cHr1st1an S images: the imagination is not a mental state it is the human existence itself, two worlds collided