cHr1st1an S images:
nick drake's mood: can you understand a light among the trees?
cHr1st1an S images:
the trees on the hill had nothing to say
cHr1st1an S images:
five leaves left
cHr1st1an S images:
the thoughts of mary jane
cHr1st1an S images:
and looking to the day I mesmerize the light
cHr1st1an S images:
you think you look forward but really you are looking back
cHr1st1an S images:
the extension of what the mind knowingly perceives
cHr1st1an S images:
cHr1st1an S images:
no time no space
cHr1st1an S images:
far behind
cHr1st1an S images:
this is not a big wednesday