ChristianofDenmark: ... Nyhavn ...
ChristianofDenmark: 28 ... Kongens Nytorv (The King's New Square) ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 27 ... The Royal Theater ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 26 ... and yet another narrow strait ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: The colour of my hometown these days - this almost fragile shade of green :)) In 2 weeks time the leaves will be a bit darker. Springtime for you and some great music :)) - I bet you smile a litte by now :))
ChristianofDenmark: 24 ... hello ... a church ... Nikolaj Church on a very small place - just next to Amager Torv ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 23a ... oops - too much spring ;) ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 22 ... more canal with The Parliament to the right ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 21 ... one of the canals in InnerTown - a great blowhole - another fave of mine ...Townhall Tower to the left ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 20 ... The Townhall and huge square in front - not a pretty, but it's there ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 19 ... Læderstræde - the Townhal Tower in the background ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 18 ... Læderstræde (Leather street) another of my faves - rather quiet - the major walkingstreet just 50 m away ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 17 ... another narrow strait with 200 - 300 years old houses and odd little shops ...
ChristianofDenmark: 16 ... the part of the walkingstreet that leads to the Townhall Square - if you are in a hurry DON'T go that way ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 15 ... in front of Domhuset ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 14 ... Domhuset på Ny Torv (The Courthouse on New Square) ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 13 ... between Gammel Torv and Ny Torv (New Square) ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 12 ... Old Square (Gammel Torv) - a common sight ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 11... the largest of the walkingstreets ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 10 ... a common view in InnerTown ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 9 ... one of the narrow straits in InnerTown from 1700 - 1800 ...
ChristianofDenmark: 8 ... Købmagergade (Merchant Street) - one of the major walkingstreets ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 7 ... thanks for letting me have this moment ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 6 ... thanks for letting me have this moment ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 4 ... Gråbrødre Torv(Greybrother Square) - my fave place - known by few incl. danes - most of the houses are from the 16. and 17. century. The plane tree is about 100 years.
ChristianofDenmark: 5 ... Gråbrødre torv - quite a small square ...
ChristianofDenmark: 3 ... Storkespringvandet (the Stork Fountain) on Amager Torv ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 2 ... Storkespringvandet (the Stork Fountain) on Amager Torv ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 1 ... Amager Torv - the very Heart of InnerTown - everything leads to here and everything goes from here ...-1
ChristianofDenmark: 4a ... Gråbrødre Torv (Greybrothers' Square) - my fave place - known by few incl. danes - most of the houses are from the 16. and 17. century. The plane tree is about 100 years.