ChristianMandel: Frühlingsbote
ChristianMandel: Felsenbirne
ChristianMandel: Aboretum Neuenkoop
ChristianMandel: Aboretum Neuenkoop
ChristianMandel: Pusteblume / blowball
ChristianMandel: spring awakening
ChristianMandel: flowers on the table
ChristianMandel: spring awaiting
ChristianMandel: sundown poppy
ChristianMandel: poppy flower
ChristianMandel: Frühlingsboten
ChristianMandel: Topinambur
ChristianMandel: when the music is over
ChristianMandel: early Echinacea blossom
ChristianMandel: Karthäusernelke (Dianthus carthusianorum)
ChristianMandel: premature strawberry
ChristianMandel: Bellis perennis
ChristianMandel: dandelion seed head under UV light
ChristianMandel: fluorescing narcissus
ChristianMandel: magical flower
ChristianMandel: Lilium lancifolium
ChristianMandel: bumblebee approaches lavender
ChristianMandel: forget-me-not
ChristianMandel: Sonnentau/Droseraceae @ Holler Moor/Wittemoor
ChristianMandel: herald of spring
ChristianMandel: Echinacea celebrates its private Holi festival