Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Morning Walk
Christian Haugen: Tucan in the wild
Christian Haugen: Tucan in the wild
Christian Haugen: Tucan in the wild
Christian Haugen: At the viewpoint in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: At the viewpoint in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: At the viewpoint in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: At the viewpoint in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: At the viewpoint in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: At the viewpoint in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Morning Walk
Christian Haugen: Beautiful flower in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: Steep downhill
Christian Haugen: Trying to get a picture of a butterfly
Christian Haugen: Waterfall
Christian Haugen: Waterfall in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: Waterfall in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: Waterfall in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: Waterfall in the Hidden Valley
Christian Haugen: Looking for butterflies
Christian Haugen: Funky colored blue beetle
Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Waterfall
Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Waterfall
Christian Haugen: The road to the waterfall was closed
Christian Haugen: Tree hugging vine
Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Morning Walk
Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Morning Walk
Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Nightwalk
Christian Haugen: Hidden Valley Nightwalk
Christian Haugen: Holding a bug