Christian Haugen: Karl Kristian sitting on the railing looking out over the Perfume River
Christian Haugen: Sightseeing boats on the Perfume River
Christian Haugen: Woman biking down the street in Huế
Christian Haugen: Imperial Vietnamese Cuisine
Christian Haugen: Looking at pictures at the Mandarin Cafe
Christian Haugen: Mr Cu taking a picture of the girls
Christian Haugen: Bridge crossing the Huong River
Christian Haugen: Eli caught in the moment
Christian Haugen: Selling dog tags of former US Marines
Christian Haugen: Weaponry from the Vietnam war
Christian Haugen: The imperial fish
Christian Haugen: The Imperial temple in Huế
Christian Haugen: Eli immitating an elephant in the Imperial City Huế
Christian Haugen: Imperial city of Huế
Christian Haugen: Public workout in Huế
Christian Haugen: Sign to the Imperial City in Huế
Christian Haugen: Commuting in Huế
Christian Haugen: Old man reading the paper in Huế
Christian Haugen: Details at the Imperial City in Hue
Christian Haugen: Eating at Pho-24
Christian Haugen: HCMC aka Saigon
Christian Haugen: Outside the Ben Thanh market
Christian Haugen: Sunflower in Saigon
Christian Haugen: Karl Kristian's new sunglasses
Christian Haugen: Icecream at Fanny
Christian Haugen: Entrance to Ben Thanh market
Christian Haugen: Veronica in front of a fighter jet
Christian Haugen: Agent Orange