Christian Haugen: Blowing underwater circles
Christian Haugen: Getting ready for the dive
Christian Haugen: AOW in Koh Tao
Christian Haugen: AOW in Koh Tao
Christian Haugen: Colorful undwater scenery
Christian Haugen: Group picture of the AOW group
Christian Haugen: Eli jumping in the sunset
Christian Haugen: Big Blue Diving resort
Christian Haugen: Post AOW party
Christian Haugen: Post AOW party
Christian Haugen: Sleeping on the train
Christian Haugen: On the ferry from Chumpon to Koh Tao
Christian Haugen: Fireshow at Big Blue
Christian Haugen: Fireshow at Big Blue
Christian Haugen: Ferry from Ko Tao to Koh Phangan
Christian Haugen: Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Longtailboat on Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Eli relaxing in the water
Christian Haugen: Cooling down in the ocean
Christian Haugen: Our beach bungalow
Christian Haugen: It's hammock time!
Christian Haugen: Sunset at Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Viewpoint at Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Viewpoint at Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Viewpoint at Bottle Beach
Christian Haugen: Volleyball at Bottle Beach