Christian Haugen: The view from the skybridge at Petronas towers
Christian Haugen: The view from the skybridge at Petronas towers
Christian Haugen: Cleaning windows at high altitude
Christian Haugen: Cleaning windows at high altitude
Christian Haugen: Petronas towers and Skybridge-012
Christian Haugen: The view from the skybridge at Petronas towers
Christian Haugen: Petronas towers and Skybridge
Christian Haugen: The view from the Skybridge on the Petronas Towers
Christian Haugen: The view from the skybridge at Petronas towers
Christian Haugen: Cleaning windows at high altitude
Christian Haugen: The view from the skybridge at Petronas towers
Christian Haugen: Petronas towers and Skybridge-003
Christian Haugen: Petronas towers and Skybridge-002
Christian Haugen: Petronas towers and Skybridge-001
Christian Haugen: Petronas towers by day
Christian Haugen: Petronas Towers by night
Christian Haugen: Petronas Towers and Skybar-004
Christian Haugen: Petronas Towers and Skybar-003
Christian Haugen: View from the skybar at the Traders hotel
Christian Haugen: Petronas Towers and Skybar-001
Christian Haugen: Eli at the Skybar
Christian Haugen: Monorail in Kuala Lumpur
Christian Haugen: Monorail in Kuala Lumpur
Christian Haugen: Kuala Lumpur city sightseeing
Christian Haugen: Kuala Lumpur - a city with many faces
Christian Haugen: Kuala Lumpur city sightseeing
Christian Haugen: Kuala Lumpur city sightseeing-004
Christian Haugen: Kuala Lumpur city sightseeing
Christian Haugen: Kuala Lumpur city sightseeing
Christian Haugen: Kuala Lumpur city sightseeing