Christian Haugen: Eli in Mumbai!
Christian Haugen: Sightseeing at the India Gate
Christian Haugen: Sightseeing at the India Gate
Christian Haugen: Working on the travelblog
Christian Haugen: Mumbai-040
Christian Haugen: Veronica with a giant beer
Christian Haugen: Veronica at the Leopold Cafe
Christian Haugen: Veronica at the Leopold Cafe
Christian Haugen: Leopold cafe in Mumbai
Christian Haugen: Eating at the Leopold Cafe
Christian Haugen: Eli reading our bible - Lonely Planet India
Christian Haugen: Safe hotel veranda
Christian Haugen: Reading the guidebook
Christian Haugen: First and last good shower in India
Christian Haugen: In front of the Victoria Terminus trainstation
Christian Haugen: In front of the Victoria Terminus trainstation
Christian Haugen: Veronica at the Leopold Cafe
Christian Haugen: Veronica at the Leopold Cafe
Christian Haugen: The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
Christian Haugen: Victoria Terminus
Christian Haugen: The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
Christian Haugen: Enjoying a drink
Christian Haugen: The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
Christian Haugen: Enjoying a coke at the Sea Palace
Christian Haugen: Enjoying a coke in the heat
Christian Haugen: Fleet of sighseeing ships
Christian Haugen: Sightseeing at the India Gate
Christian Haugen: Eating bananas