*Christiane*: Waiting crocodile
*Christiane*: Open door
*Christiane*: Closed window
*Christiane*: Gate to the cemetery in Riem
*Christiane*: Tür - Schloß Hochhausen
*Christiane*: Window in desolated shed
*Christiane*: Old window
*Christiane*: The Lady with the Bird
*Christiane*: Door in Bavaria
*Christiane*: Detail of the door in Bavaria
*Christiane*: Desolated window
*Christiane*: The window
*Christiane*: Vorsicht Baustelle!
*Christiane*: An old lock
*Christiane*: An old hinge
*Christiane*: An old lock
*Christiane*: Lions head
*Christiane*: Don't miss a view
*Christiane*: The old farmhouse
*Christiane*: Schneemustorte
*Christiane*: Eingang
*Christiane*: The other side of the street
*Christiane*: Biting the ring
*Christiane*: Old in new
*Christiane*: Not only angles are watching ...
*Christiane*: Stripe pattern
*Christiane*: From the inside
*Christiane*: Stallhof