Christiana Fitz: Monument built shortly after the Battle
Christiana Fitz: the steep steps up to the top of the monument
Christiana Fitz: View from the top of the Waterloo monument
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0320
Christiana Fitz: The town nearby
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0322
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0324
Christiana Fitz: Map of the Battle
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0328
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0330
Christiana Fitz: view of the countryside from the monument
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0332
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0333
Christiana Fitz: Clouds coming in (a perfect belgium day)
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0335
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0339
Christiana Fitz: part of the cyclorama painting
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0344
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0345
Christiana Fitz: Napoleon's signature
Christiana Fitz: Visitor's Center
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0348
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0351
Christiana Fitz: Wheat field near the monument
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0353
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0355
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0356
Christiana Fitz: Waterloo monument
Christiana Fitz: Reenactors
Christiana Fitz: IMG_0361