christiaan_25: completely still
christiaan_25: summer evening
christiaan_25: Lake Marmo in May
christiaan_25: a good end to a good day
christiaan_25: I told you it got cold!
christiaan_25: good night, wednesday
christiaan_25: déjà vu
christiaan_25: strolling along
christiaan_25: passing reflection
christiaan_25: passing time
christiaan_25: shimmering reflections
christiaan_25: I "hunted" the "hunter" who was "hunting" the REAL hunter
christiaan_25: spring reflections
christiaan_25: redbud in summer
christiaan_25: hello winter
christiaan_25: suspended
christiaan_25: suspended, in early spring
christiaan_25: suspended, over snow
christiaan_25: suspended, over thawing ice
christiaan_25: suspended, in May
christiaan_25: disturbing the peace
christiaan_25: tranquility
christiaan_25: get your geese in a row
christiaan_25: looking back
christiaan_25: resplendent
christiaan_25: stalwart guardians
christiaan_25: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
christiaan_25: brown-eyed beauty
christiaan_25: off a duck's back