christiaan_25: accidental art
christiaan_25: bean's eyes
christiaan_25: cat'seyes
christiaan_25: cat'seyes II
christiaan_25: intersecting
christiaan_25: xray, aka "Enter at your own risk," aka may be hazardous to your eyesight
christiaan_25: green on black
christiaan_25: floating empty
christiaan_25: beanart
christiaan_25: coming into focus
christiaan_25: spring over nail
christiaan_25: screened[imperfect]
christiaan_25: screened[Lily Bean was here]
christiaan_25: screened
christiaan_25: through rays of dark light
christiaan_25: bleary awakening
christiaan_25: rust | blur | rust
christiaan_25: charcoal goose
christiaan_25: book cover dream...
christiaan_25: grapeic art
christiaan_25: nature, l'artiste maître
christiaan_25: power up!
christiaan_25: abstract in steel, with snow
christiaan_25: through the bottom of the glass
christiaan_25: and now for something completely different....
christiaan_25: electric blue
christiaan_25: steel and rust, light and shadow