Christchurch City Libraries: Louisa in beret - Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Neville in beret - Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Donna in berets - Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Louisa and Alice in berets - Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Moata in beret - Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Rangi Downes in beret - Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Louisa and Alice in berets - Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Ngaio Marsh's beret, In search of Ngaio exhibition, Tūranga
Christchurch City Libraries: Auahatanga team in berets
Christchurch City Libraries: Auahatanga team in berets
Christchurch City Libraries: Beret wearers assemble for Ngaio Marsh Beret Day
Christchurch City Libraries: Beret wearers assemble for Ngaio Marsh Beret Day