Christchurch City Libraries: Poppy of Reading to Dogs, at Shirley Library
Christchurch City Libraries: Poppy of Reading to Dogs, at Shirley Library
Christchurch City Libraries: Jock at Shirley Library
Christchurch City Libraries: Jock at Shirley Library
Christchurch City Libraries: Jock at Shirley Library
Christchurch City Libraries: Reading to Dogs sign
Christchurch City Libraries: The dogs and their humans
Christchurch City Libraries: The dogs and their humans
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky reading
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky reading
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky reading
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky reading
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky reading
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky reading
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Sparky and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Jazz and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Jazz and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Noddy and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Noddy and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Jock and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Jock and friend
Christchurch City Libraries: Baxter and friend