Christa_P: Hide- and- seek
Christa_P: I've had enough...
Christa_P: Penguin
Christa_P: Red ruffed lemur
Christa_P: Green tree frog
Christa_P: Sea Anemones
Christa_P: Hungry family
Christa_P: Flamingo meeting
Christa_P: Green Tree Python
Christa_P: Giraffe in the Duisburg Zoo
Christa_P: Hippo...
Christa_P: Madagascar giant day gecko
Christa_P: Mungos mungo
Christa_P: Eye of a Chameleon...HMM
Christa_P: Round-eared elephant shrew...
Christa_P: Small talk...
Christa_P: African penguin -Brillenpinguin Explore,30.08.2017
Christa_P: Green Iguana
Christa_P: Sitatunga-Antilopen
Christa_P: Pure relaxation... Explore -28.10.2017
Christa_P: Ballerina
Christa_P: Portrait
Christa_P: Kleiner Panda - Red Panda
Christa_P: Roter Flamingo
Christa_P: So cute...
Christa_P: Malayan sun bear
Christa_P: Gänsegeier
Christa_P: together
Christa_P: Clown Triggerfish
Christa_P: Sitatunga