Red~Hope: Ally and Lola
Red~Hope: Alexandra
Red~Hope: Tonia.... yes, we were completely SOAKED. But we had a blast!
Red~Hope: Fireworks
Red~Hope: DSC00187
Red~Hope: Fireworks
Red~Hope: Along with the rain, the fireworks started
Red~Hope: Ally relaxing, waiting for the Fireworks
Red~Hope: Playing in the Tent
Red~Hope: Playing in the little Turtle Tent
Red~Hope: Pushing the Car around
Red~Hope: On the car thingy
Red~Hope: Back on the chair
Red~Hope: Playing with Legos
Red~Hope: Ally playing with Legos
Red~Hope: She loved this chair!!
Red~Hope: Ally playing
Red~Hope: At the Groveport 4th of July Celebration
Red~Hope: Playin with the other kids
Red~Hope: Ally playing in the Sandtable
Red~Hope: Ally
Red~Hope: Feeding the puppy some Chips
Red~Hope: Ally & her Puppy
Red~Hope: Ally & her puppy.
Red~Hope: Ally, relaxing, watching Baby Einstein
Red~Hope: Ally
Red~Hope: Look what I did!
Red~Hope: Ally with her new Slushie Cup
Red~Hope: Ally with her Big Girl cup
Red~Hope: Jim feeding the ducks