Red~Hope: Niagara Falls
Red~Hope: The Falls (view from the beind the Falls tour)
Red~Hope: The Falls
Red~Hope: Cutest Bed and Breakfast, on Canada side
Red~Hope: The Falls by night
Red~Hope: The Falls
Red~Hope: The Falls
Red~Hope: The Falls
Red~Hope: Niagara Falls
Red~Hope: The Falls by night
Red~Hope: Niagara Falls
Red~Hope: top of the Falls
Red~Hope: The Falls, from the Maid of the Mist
Red~Hope: The Falls, american side
Red~Hope: The Falls, american side
Red~Hope: bottom of the Falls on american side
Red~Hope: Hershey Kiss
Red~Hope: shoulda grabbed some sunblock, eh?!
Red~Hope: Ute loooong before she became a Grunty
Red~Hope: Jim with Lee... that's how small he USED to be
Red~Hope: Afterparty... I still have to find the counter shot of Ute
Red~Hope: My hair the day I got it done... how I lived to regret all that red
Red~Hope: Lola and Luke, when we first got Lola
Red~Hope: Luke and Luna
Red~Hope: Thor and Buddy, and I
Red~Hope: Sabine, Frank, Dennis, Mama, and me
Red~Hope: Brianna and I... I practically adopted this little girl
Red~Hope: Our house in Shahola, PA
Red~Hope: Balu after he cut his paw
Red~Hope: Visiting with Balu and Sam