Chris[sy: Bridal series (4/10): Portrait of the unsure bride
Chris[sy: Pale portrait with fan
Chris[sy: Portrait in black and white
Chris[sy: Flirting cows
Chris[sy: Selfreflection
Chris[sy: phone call
Chris[sy: Crumbled away make-up
Chris[sy: Fear of the dark
Chris[sy: yes, I work on portraits
Chris[sy: Silent portrait
Chris[sy: My new toy
Chris[sy: pondering about black and white
Chris[sy: Going down with the elevator
Chris[sy: Glossy & sportive
Chris[sy: Taking off a cardigan
Chris[sy: Closed eyes portrait in black and white with a light blue tint
Chris[sy: very close-up
Chris[sy: Ein Glas heller Freude
Chris[sy: Drawing Flies
Chris[sy: In control
Chris[sy: Marsianische Venus im Pelz - Martian Venus in Furs
Chris[sy: Sense and Sensibility
Chris[sy: Abrakadabra
Chris[sy: Got painted
Chris[sy: Antique kitten portrait
Chris[sy: Glowing cigarette
Chris[sy: Barmaid experience
Chris[sy: Living and Laughing between Black and White
Chris[sy: Visiting the HOSI Linz Fest