Chris*4: Comma butterfly
Chris*4: Gatekeeper butterfly
Chris*4: Meadow Brown butterfly
Chris*4: Ringlet butterfly
Chris*4: Red Admiral butterfly
Chris*4: Green Veined & Small Whites
Chris*4: Small Skipper butterfly
Chris*4: Meadow Brown butterfly
Chris*4: Small Skipper butterfly
Chris*4: Comma butterfly in wheat field
Chris*4: Small Skipper butterfly
Chris*4: Speckled Wood butterfly
Chris*4: Brown Argus butterfly
Chris*4: Brown Argus butterfly underside
Chris*4: Comma butterfly on the ground
Chris*4: Green Veined White female second brood
Chris*4: Gatekeeper butterfly
Chris*4: Gatekeeper butterfly lurking in the grass
Chris*4: Painted Lady butterfly
Chris*4: Green-veined White butterfly
Chris*4: Peacock butterfly
Chris*4: Red Admiral butterfly 1
Chris*4: Red Admiral butterfly 2
Chris*4: Red Admiral butterfly 3
Chris*4: Gatekeeper butterfly
Chris*4: Meadow Brown and Brown Argus butterflies
Chris*4: Peacock butterfly
Chris*4: Peacock butterfly in its environment
Chris*4: Small Copper butterfly
Chris*4: Two Gatekeeper butterflies