ExiledBacchus: Yes, it got a wee bit foggy.....
ExiledBacchus: Junction A87 and A887, Tomcrasky.
ExiledBacchus: Storm Brewing
ExiledBacchus: Glengarry Sunset, Scotland.
ExiledBacchus: Twin Peaks
ExiledBacchus: Loch Lomond Pier. Arguably, not as entertaining as Brighton.
ExiledBacchus: Posts
ExiledBacchus: Loch Lomond, Blue Day
ExiledBacchus: Neist Point Hotel, although 'spartan' the view was great and for another £20 you could get your room chained to the rock face. It could be a wee bit windy.......
ExiledBacchus: Waiting for the tram to come.
ExiledBacchus: Ben Nevis
ExiledBacchus: Wing Tip Touch
ExiledBacchus: Louise in full stealth mode, not!
ExiledBacchus: Typical, there's always one tourist and they're always wearing a red coat.
ExiledBacchus: Glengarry, Scotland. 1st sunset of the year.
ExiledBacchus: Wide open, desolate and cold
ExiledBacchus: baaaaahhhh....
ExiledBacchus: Ministry of Fun
ExiledBacchus: Ah, the little green Eye of Envy
ExiledBacchus: Angry Face
ExiledBacchus: Stars at Royal Exchange Square
ExiledBacchus: Royal Exchange Square
ExiledBacchus: Loch Garry
ExiledBacchus: Still
ExiledBacchus: Loch Garry
ExiledBacchus: Through the Mist
ExiledBacchus: Far and Wide
ExiledBacchus: Swirly Red Sky
ExiledBacchus: Under a big orange sky