Christine Spinks: What is it about snow?...
Christine Spinks: What is it about snow?...
Christine Spinks: Ice jewels
Christine Spinks: More of the stuff...
Christine Spinks: Snow visitor
Christine Spinks: Crossing the bridge
Christine Spinks: Snow stopped play!
Christine Spinks: Bridge over the River Ingrebourne
Christine Spinks: Winter Pathway
Christine Spinks: Meeting up
Christine Spinks: Harold Wood Park
Christine Spinks: Nightfall
Christine Spinks: Nightfall
Christine Spinks: Beginnings of snow
Christine Spinks: Ice mirror
Christine Spinks: Poised...
Christine Spinks: London garden under snow...
Christine Spinks: Walking on water...
Christine Spinks: Ground cover
Christine Spinks: Christmas Eve on the M11...
Christine Spinks: Christmas Eve on the M11...