Christine Spinks: yellow rose
Christine Spinks: Going ....
Christine Spinks: Hollyhocks
Christine Spinks: Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem
Christine Spinks: Almonry Garden, Ely Cathedral
Christine Spinks: Globe thistle, Almonry Garden, Ely Cathedral
Christine Spinks: Testing....
Christine Spinks: Testing....
Christine Spinks: Testing....
Christine Spinks: A last look back...
Christine Spinks: Almonry Garden, Ely Cathedral
Christine Spinks: Cathedral from the Almonry Garden
Christine Spinks: Foxgloves
Christine Spinks: By the pool
Christine Spinks: Hail to July
Christine Spinks: Corn Lily
Christine Spinks: Honeysuckle
Christine Spinks: What's the time?
Christine Spinks: Decadence!
Christine Spinks: Through the railings again...
Christine Spinks: Playing with shadows
Christine Spinks: Through the railings again...