Christine Spinks: Who's got a new England T-shirt?
Christine Spinks: Who's got a new England T-shirt?
Christine Spinks: Who's got a new England T-shirt?
Christine Spinks: Who's got a new England T-shirt?
Christine Spinks: Late birthday
Christine Spinks: Helping hands
Christine Spinks: Late birthday
Christine Spinks: Chocolate cake!
Christine Spinks: New clothes!
Christine Spinks: Farewell...
Christine Spinks: Picasso's blue period
Christine Spinks: Mother and son
Christine Spinks: Daddy got an upgrade on the hire car...
Christine Spinks: Daddy got an upgrade on the hire car...
Christine Spinks: Busy packing!
Christine Spinks: Busy packing!
Christine Spinks: Selma ready for the off...
Christine Spinks: Danny packed away
Christine Spinks: Last goodbyes