chrisphin: Outdoor view of the Kingknowes Hotel and its conservatory
chrisphin: The main staircase in the hotel, ripe for sweeping down in a wedding dress
chrisphin: Grapes growing on the conservatory's vine
chrisphin: Getting the tables set up
chrisphin: The ceremony is fast approaching!
chrisphin: The suite
chrisphin: The bride and groom all dressed up!
chrisphin: Our bridesmaid hands over the rings
chrisphin: Vows
chrisphin: Exchanging the rings
chrisphin: I now pronounce you man and wife!
chrisphin: Signing the register
chrisphin: Signing the register
chrisphin: The rings!
chrisphin: The bride and groom!
chrisphin: The father of the groom holds the audience in his thrall
chrisphin: A wave from Uncle George
chrisphin: Everybody!
chrisphin: Hilarity
chrisphin: The groom's family
chrisphin: The young ones
chrisphin: The Justice Squad
chrisphin: The bride's family
chrisphin: The Phin/Middleton grandsons
chrisphin: The Middletons
chrisphin: "Let's blow this joint"
chrisphin: Mum Phin and Kathy, her aunt
chrisphin: The wedding party
chrisphin: Casual Jenny