chrisphin: Urban furniture at Ōsaka Castle
chrisphin: View from Ōsaka Castle
chrisphin: Poison, poison, poison… tasty fish! (Fugu)
chrisphin: We can use chopsticks
chrisphin: Sushi
chrisphin: What the crap is all this crap?
chrisphin: We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto
chrisphin: Wriggly things
chrisphin: Not a clue what this is
chrisphin: Even buying milk would be confusing
chrisphin: Temple at Kyōto
chrisphin: Temple rising from the trees
chrisphin: Love the yellow-painted terminals to the red wood
chrisphin: It looks serene. but it's bedlam just behind me
chrisphin: Procession at Kyōto
chrisphin: Told you it was busy
chrisphin: Kyōto station
chrisphin: Ōsaka at night
chrisphin: Ōsaka at night
chrisphin: Ōsaka at night
chrisphin: Takoyaki stall
chrisphin: Making takoyaki
chrisphin: Jenny, Gra, and Shih-hua
chrisphin: Shih-hua drawing manga
chrisphin: Caught part of Typhoon Man-yi; it was wet
chrisphin: Ōsaka at night
chrisphin: Neon
chrisphin: Ōsaka at night
chrisphin: Loving the plastic food as the menu outside lots of restaurants
chrisphin: Ōsaka at night