Chris Atkins65: The river Otter Colaton Raleigh Devon
Chris Atkins65: The river Otter Colaton Raleigh Devon
Chris Atkins65: The river Otter Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: Colaton Raleigh Devon
Chris Atkins65: St John the Baptist Church Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: By the river bank River Otter Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: St John the Baptist Church Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: The river Otter Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: St John the Baptist Church Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: Bridge over the river Otter Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: Church Entrance Colaton Raleigh
Chris Atkins65: On the riverbank
Chris Atkins65: On the banks of the River Otter
Chris Atkins65: On the banks of the River Otter