chrisnoton: IMG20220601095704b
chrisnoton: IMG20220601095647a
chrisnoton: Plaza de España
chrisnoton: Plaza de ESpaña 2
chrisnoton: IMG_0816a
chrisnoton: Plaza de España
chrisnoton: Plaza de Esapaña morning traffic
chrisnoton: Trees and mist.Plaza España,Madrid.
chrisnoton: Plaza Espa;a in the mist 1
chrisnoton: Trees and building.Plaza de España.Madrid.
chrisnoton: Statue and pidgeon in the mist.
chrisnoton: Schweppes
chrisnoton: Abstract forms on a building II
chrisnoton: Abstract forms on a building B
chrisnoton: Abstract forms on a building
chrisnoton: IMG_1264[1]a
chrisnoton: IMG_1265[1]a
chrisnoton: Windows and balconies
chrisnoton: Morning in Sol
chrisnoton: Gran Via , Madrid.
chrisnoton: Through the trees
chrisnoton: Through the trees II
chrisnoton: Statue in the sunrise.
chrisnoton: IMG_4570
chrisnoton: Plaza de Velasquez