Klis: Sad bag is sad
Klis: Tea time
Klis: IMG_0321
Klis: Diamond Hill map
Klis: Lotus Pond Garden
Klis: Entrance bridge
Klis: Hall of Celestial Kings
Klis: Hall of Celestial Kings
Klis: Bougainvillea spectabilis
Klis: IMG_3371
Klis: Door detail
Klis: Note to tourists
Klis: IMG_3380
Klis: IMG_3381
Klis: IMG_3382
Klis: IMG_3384
Klis: Self portrait
Klis: IMG_3395
Klis: IMG_3401
Klis: IMG_3402
Klis: Buddha tree
Klis: IMG_3404
Klis: Map
Klis: A well regulated place
Klis: Food
Klis: Lotus Pond Garden pano
Klis: Getting there is quick
Klis: Door detail (for iPhone wallpaper)
Klis: No frollicking
Klis: IMG_0331