Klis: Near perfect mapping
Klis: High rise living
Klis: The Haze
Klis: Twilight
Klis: Total Bladerunner
Klis: Marco Polo
Klis: Light and water scuplture
Klis: Police Line
Klis: Hedwig!
Klis: Enjoying the hot summer night
Klis: Light and water sculpture
Klis: A study bible in the back window
Klis: Great name
Klis: Opposable thumbs
Klis: That there used to be Peter
Klis: Not exactly topiary
Klis: Flying man at Seoul Tower
Klis: The love locks
Klis: Please do not fasten a lock
Klis: Seoul Tower
Klis: Capturing the lock
Klis: Love love
Klis: Emerging signifier
Klis: Like you me too
Klis: Self portraits
Klis: Forever with you
Klis: Sweet love
Klis: L * E O V
Klis: In the grim future of Hello Kitty
Klis: Smooch