Chris McConnell Photography:
Lunch time
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chris McConnell Photography:
Go find your own tree!
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chipmunk at the feeder trail
Chris McConnell Photography:
Help in the garden
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chris McConnell Photography:
So sweet
Chris McConnell Photography:
We received many scoldings from this guy
Chris McConnell Photography:
Eastern Cottontail
Chris McConnell Photography:
Dinner time
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chris McConnell Photography:
Red Squirrel giving heck
Chris McConnell Photography:
Eastern Grey Squirrel just hoping for a hand-out
Chris McConnell Photography:
Lunch Time
Chris McConnell Photography:
Eastern Cottontail
Chris McConnell Photography:
Young Cottontail
Chris McConnell Photography:
Very young Cottontail
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chris McConnell Photography:
Frequent Visitor
Chris McConnell Photography:
Actually, he was pondering how to get some of those tasty seeds.
Chris McConnell Photography:
The chipmunk dance
Chris McConnell Photography:
Climbing the walls
Chris McConnell Photography:
First chipmunk of spring
Chris McConnell Photography:
Fox at Rotary Park
Chris McConnell Photography:
Caught in the act!
Chris McConnell Photography:
Camera Shy
Chris McConnell Photography:
Beaver or bear?
Chris McConnell Photography:
Beady-Eyed Porcupine
Chris McConnell Photography:
Virginia Oppossum