Chris McConnell Photography:
Eastern Kingbird, Halls Rd, 2008
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chris McConnell Photography:
Chris McConnell Photography:
Barred Owl @ Thickson's Woods, Whitby, Dec 2007
Chris McConnell Photography:
Belted King Fisher Hovering over Breakfast
Chris McConnell Photography:
Belted Kingfisher
Chris McConnell Photography:
Eastern Kingbird, Halls Rd., Whitby
Chris McConnell Photography:
Gray Jay in Algonquin
Chris McConnell Photography:
Male Cardinal, Lynde Shores, March 4
Chris McConnell Photography:
Belted Kingfisher, Duffins Marsh, Ajax
Chris McConnell Photography:
Belted Kingfisher
Chris McConnell Photography:
Baby Mourning Doves in Garden
Chris McConnell Photography:
Doves getting cozy
Chris McConnell Photography:
Baby Robin out on his own
Chris McConnell Photography:
Baby singing a solo
Chris McConnell Photography:
Babies still in the nest
Chris McConnell Photography:
Baby singing louder
Chris McConnell Photography:
Pine Grosbeak, Female
Chris McConnell Photography:
Pine Grosbeak, Male
Chris McConnell Photography:
"Rusty" the tame blackbird
Chris McConnell Photography:
Pine Grosbeak, Female
Chris McConnell Photography:
Pine Grosbeak, Male
Chris McConnell Photography:
Mom and baby mourning doves. Look at how mom decorated her nest with flowers!
Chris McConnell Photography:
Baby Barn Swallow
Chris McConnell Photography:
Mom and baby barn swallow
Chris McConnell Photography:
Mystery baby
Chris McConnell Photography:
Mom and Baby
Chris McConnell Photography:
White Winged Crossbill
Chris McConnell Photography:
Lynde Shores Greeter
Chris McConnell Photography:
Pretty Blue Jay