Christopher G Lyon: Jesse Matt Sam horsing around April 2006_a
Christopher G Lyon: Jesse Matt Sam horsing around April 2006_b
Christopher G Lyon: Trampolining April 2006_a
Christopher G Lyon: Trampolining April 2006_b
Christopher G Lyon: Jesse and Max - April 2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max helping sam w homework Apr 2006_a
Christopher G Lyon: Max helping sam w homework Apr 2006_b
Christopher G Lyon: Max helping sam w homework Apr 2006_c
Christopher G Lyon: Max helping sam w homework Apr 2006_d
Christopher G Lyon: Max in dog dish April 2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max on Cathy's shoulder April 2006
Christopher G Lyon: Nancy - April 2006_a
Christopher G Lyon: Nancy - April 2006_b
Christopher G Lyon: Trampolining April 2006_c
Christopher G Lyon: Max Apr 2006_a
Christopher G Lyon: Max Apr 2006_b
Christopher G Lyon: Max Apr 2006_c
Christopher G Lyon: Max helping sam w homework Apr 2006_e
Christopher G Lyon: Max on kitchen floor 16Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max on Sam's knee 16Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max on Sam's knee close 16Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max on the back of the couch_a 13Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max on the back of the couch_b 13Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max playing on couch_a 16Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max playing on couch_b 16Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max rolled up in blanket 16Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Max snoozing with pencil 13Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Paul + Jesse Borin 16Apr2006
Christopher G Lyon: Paul Borin 16Apr2006