Christopher G Lyon:
Kit Charlie Sam @ Harrison - Father's Day Jun 1996
Christopher G Lyon:
Liz + Kit - Kit's Birthday 4 Feb 2006_1024_95
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit @ Cassandra Spring 1980
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit and Emily c2001
Christopher G Lyon:
Mary Kit Helen Newlands @ carol party late 1980s
Christopher G Lyon:
The Holy Family late 60s
Christopher G Lyon:
DSCN0156 Kit_rer
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit having a laugh in kitchen at Brooke Ave c1958
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit va va voom @ Cassandra early 1980s
Christopher G Lyon:
Christopher G Lyon:
Doug Lewis and others - Wilson's - late 1970s
Christopher G Lyon:
MML + Tony + Kit Kahshe 1960
Christopher G Lyon:
Lyon foursome O'Connor Golf Tourney 2014
Christopher G Lyon:
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit Grad c1978
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit + Cathy @ Kahshe - Kit's wedding 1989
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit Apr 1977
Christopher G Lyon:
MML Tony + Kit beach Kahshe Lake early 1960s
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit + Em - Kit's May 26 2102
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit smiling - Cassandra late 1970s
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit 25
Christopher G Lyon:
Christopher G Lyon:
Mary in Lardner's backyard - Jun 1966
Christopher G Lyon:
Mary B + Kit + John living room Cassandra Christmas 1968-9
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit with a bottle of ...... late 1980s
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit 21
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit and John summer 2005 awl
Christopher G Lyon:
Lyon clan w Pam Browne Kahshe deck 1973
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit and Georgia Kahshe deck late 1980s
Christopher G Lyon:
Kit and Buddy @ S+M's late 1970s