Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: Joan Roqueter
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: keeping tabs on Joan Roqueter's bull
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Corndogs; a classic college meal
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): I got schooled at ping-ping by a little kid.
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Rivalry in the grocery store parking lot
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Where have the years gone?
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Trouble with an SLR
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Two wheels away from reality.
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Bittersweet ceremony
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: an imagination run wild.
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: I'm lost!
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: Tweedledee & Tweedledum
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: The Silent Treatment
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: sneaking a snack
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: deconstruction zone
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: The Antique.
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Editing Lab: "Like Father Like Son"
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): A grand vision makes your heart excited
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Boat vs. man for the biggest fish before sundown
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Morning Star Rise
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): The congestion of cities. "Cities are full of people with whom, from your viewpoint, or mine, or any other individual's, a certain degree of contact is useful or enjoyable; but you do not want them in your hair." - Jane Jacobs (The Death and Life of Great