Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Six giant spheres of concrete to greet you at the door
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): A stopped clock is right twice a day
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Sunflowers change everything
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Flowers in ugly buckets
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): "Urban" is a bad or good word, depending on who you are.
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Workshift Coffee
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Raise your glasses
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Carpinteria pier and seal refuge
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Beyond the white picket fence.
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): A railroad track into your dreams
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): "Hope is patience with the lamp lit" -Tertullian
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Happy Hour special w/balloons
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): Clothesline pt.1
Chris Lazo (iPhoneographer): A pierce in the dark