ChrisHamby: IMGP0527
ChrisHamby: opening day
ChrisHamby: welcome sign
ChrisHamby: IMGP0530
ChrisHamby: IMGP0531
ChrisHamby: passing 3 train
ChrisHamby: tool shed, picnic table, mural
ChrisHamby: equipment
ChrisHamby: honeybee yard
ChrisHamby: honeybees
ChrisHamby: tool sheds, old signs, neighbors
ChrisHamby: old hive
ChrisHamby: weeding
ChrisHamby: IMGP0540
ChrisHamby: planting beds
ChrisHamby: trellis
ChrisHamby: cucumber
ChrisHamby: greenhouse
ChrisHamby: pointing out greens and planting beds
ChrisHamby: rainwater harvesting
ChrisHamby: planting beds
ChrisHamby: greens
ChrisHamby: sweet potato
ChrisHamby: turnips and the greenhouse
ChrisHamby: turnips
ChrisHamby: explaining the trellis system
ChrisHamby: irrigation hoses
ChrisHamby: rainwater irrigation
ChrisHamby: rainwater harvesting
ChrisHamby: weeding