chrisgarrett: Happy 2013! 1st pic a day of the new year #2013365
chrisgarrett: Fitbit
chrisgarrett: Suddenly I need a bigger TV ...
chrisgarrett: Our new buddy #2013365
chrisgarrett: All the colours #2013365
chrisgarrett: Elbow Falls #2013365
chrisgarrett: This much cute is hard work
chrisgarrett: The diet can start next week ...
chrisgarrett: Oncoming Storm
chrisgarrett: Code is fun
chrisgarrett: Better than TV
chrisgarrett: Pop, cheesy chips and a movie. Nice.
chrisgarrett: Massive cupcakes!
chrisgarrett: Whoever said "do the job right first time and you'll never have to do it again" never had to shovel a Canadian driveway.
chrisgarrett: Changeable
chrisgarrett: Sun sneaking in