chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1621
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1620
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1619
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1618
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1617
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1616
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1615
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1614
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1613
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1612
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1622
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1623
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1624
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1626
chrisfreeland2002: Downstairs Apartment
chrisfreeland2002: Upstairs Apartment
chrisfreeland2002: Eye Catching?
chrisfreeland2002: New floor in old bathroom
chrisfreeland2002: Replacement transom & refinished oak door
chrisfreeland2002: Why yes, we did have a few nail holes in the wall
chrisfreeland2002: Why yes, we did have a few nail holes in the wall
chrisfreeland2002: Exposed brick
chrisfreeland2002: IMG_1642