chrisfreeland2002: Institute of Botany Library
chrisfreeland2002: Don't know Chinese, but I know LC
chrisfreeland2002: The "Pink Blanket" problem
chrisfreeland2002: Xu & Tom looking over a backlog of books that need to be catalogued
chrisfreeland2002: Cathy, Tom, Xu & Phil
chrisfreeland2002: Linnaeus' Species Plantarum
chrisfreeland2002: Prodromus
chrisfreeland2002: Reading botany makes for sleepy time
chrisfreeland2002: Phil, showing the MOBOT book
chrisfreeland2002: LC & CN (ha!)
chrisfreeland2002: Chinese journals
chrisfreeland2002: Light switches
chrisfreeland2002: Tom & Xu in the Institute of Botany Library
chrisfreeland2002: Chinese card catalogues!!
chrisfreeland2002: Chinese card catalogues!!
chrisfreeland2002: "Pink Blanket Problem"