chrisfreeland2002: DCA to STL
chrisfreeland2002: STL to ORD
chrisfreeland2002: Donald Hobern opening #TDWG09
chrisfreeland2002: Yet Another Roomful of TDWGians
chrisfreeland2002: Best food @ a TDWG EVER!!
chrisfreeland2002: Bob & Nico, animated
chrisfreeland2002: BHL-Europe poster
chrisfreeland2002: R2D2 CD player in Sound Station
chrisfreeland2002: The gang
chrisfreeland2002: Adrian & Phil in Sound Station
chrisfreeland2002: TDWG internet cafe
chrisfreeland2002: All the Macs in a row
chrisfreeland2002: Dude sportin' "a lotta look"
chrisfreeland2002: Could this street be more charming?
chrisfreeland2002: Litterature!
chrisfreeland2002: TDWG Reception
chrisfreeland2002: Unplanned Twitter & Cloud computing meetup at TDWG Reception
chrisfreeland2002: TDWG Reception
chrisfreeland2002: TDWG Reception
chrisfreeland2002: TDWG Reception
chrisfreeland2002: Suddenly TDWG became an iPhone party
chrisfreeland2002: Rich Pyle gunnin' for Roger Hyam's Data Integration Golden T-Shirt
chrisfreeland2002: Church of St. SomethingOrOther
chrisfreeland2002: Chateau Plo du Roy - soooooo good
chrisfreeland2002: Lamb in tomato
chrisfreeland2002: Fish crepe-kinda-thing
chrisfreeland2002: Porc provencal
chrisfreeland2002: Absence de Marquage
chrisfreeland2002: Where I want to live
chrisfreeland2002: Bob & Nico, at it again. This time over chocolate