Chris Fleming: OpenStreetMap – Ready for business! Dr.-Ing. Roger Müller
Chris Fleming: img_6291.jpg
Chris Fleming: OpenStreetMap – Ready for business! Dr.-Ing. Roger Müller
Chris Fleming: John McKerrell talking about OSM in
Chris Fleming: Katleen Janssen Legal Talk
Chris Fleming: David Earl asking a question
Chris Fleming: Talking about OLPC and OSM for Education
Chris Fleming: Panel Discussion
Chris Fleming: Playing with the OLPC over lunch
Chris Fleming: Chat on the balcony
Chris Fleming: more chat
Chris Fleming: Muki Haklay - Who are the mappers and why do they map in OpenStreetMap?
Chris Fleming: Extend OSM with configurable solutions
Chris Fleming: Uncommon Operating Picture: Using OSM for Humanitarian Response John Crowley
Chris Fleming: Index...
Chris Fleming: Steve Coast
Chris Fleming: An early glimpse of the OSM book
Chris Fleming: Iván Sánchez
Chris Fleming: Kate Chapman - From Arkansas to Afghanistan
Chris Fleming: Mikel Maron - Map Kibera – Mapping one of Africa’s largest slums
Chris Fleming: Friday evening drinks out on the balcony
Chris Fleming: img_6357.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6362.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6363.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6364.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6367.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6379.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6383.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6385.jpg
Chris Fleming: img_6390.jpg