Christopher Shinobi: Prawn n Octopus
Christopher Shinobi: Proper Baked Beans
Christopher Shinobi: Breakfast at Algonquin
Christopher Shinobi: Mmmmm Brownie
Christopher Shinobi: Octo Tenticle
Christopher Shinobi: Semolina Shark
Christopher Shinobi: Goa Sausage
Christopher Shinobi: Rayshad Squid
Christopher Shinobi: Rayshad Prawns
Christopher Shinobi: The Elusive Meat Samosa
Christopher Shinobi: Candy Floss
Christopher Shinobi: Bread House
Christopher Shinobi: Fresh Fishies
Christopher Shinobi: Goan Fat Rice
Christopher Shinobi: Mmmm Fresh Crabs
Christopher Shinobi: Eating Crabs Goan Style
Christopher Shinobi: Breakfast of (Goan) Champions
Christopher Shinobi: Morning Todi
Christopher Shinobi: Random Goan Bread