chrisdetmer: kisses returned
chrisdetmer: face check
chrisdetmer: the hat is on the other head
chrisdetmer: patrol
chrisdetmer: the spot
chrisdetmer: peering
chrisdetmer: tip of the hat
chrisdetmer: testing the water
chrisdetmer: small craft
chrisdetmer: volley
chrisdetmer: netting
chrisdetmer: voyage
chrisdetmer: now you tell us
chrisdetmer: kisses
chrisdetmer: two of a kind
chrisdetmer: little explorer
chrisdetmer: swimming
chrisdetmer: shoreline
chrisdetmer: porthole
chrisdetmer: over there
chrisdetmer: upper deck
chrisdetmer: caution
chrisdetmer: the captain
chrisdetmer: over the edge
chrisdetmer: impression
chrisdetmer: lake in a lake
chrisdetmer: from the deep
chrisdetmer: life guards