cvconnell: Kids of all ages 2
cvconnell: Kitchen work
cvconnell: Pointsettia
cvconnell: Ted and Susan 2
cvconnell: Michelle and Frank
cvconnell: Susan and Ted
cvconnell: Cindi and granddaughter
cvconnell: Susan and Michelle
cvconnell: Christmas Jammies
cvconnell: Lily and Bevaquas
cvconnell: Cecilia and the Capricorn
cvconnell: Eric Claudia and kids
cvconnell: Cindi Claudia and kids
cvconnell: Girls Four
cvconnell: Angela and Mariana
cvconnell: Jaya and Judi
cvconnell: Umberto and Suzanne 2
cvconnell: Cerva 1
cvconnell: Anna and Camila
cvconnell: Select kids of all ages
cvconnell: Look that way
cvconnell: Tyler and Tamsin
cvconnell: Beer Pong host
cvconnell: Finesse shot by Dennis, with teammate Daniel
cvconnell: Teach Your Children Well
cvconnell: Making the first shot in overtime
cvconnell: Outdoor Party
cvconnell: David Kim John Paul
cvconnell: Jason and the Moms
cvconnell: Jaya Cindy Claudia