brookscl: Our cove, May 2018
brookscl: Lanterns at Steuben
brookscl: Getting to know Curt and Dave
brookscl: Tinkering with the E scow
brookscl: Starting the "old guy boat boarding assist" project
brookscl: Stain that deck!
brookscl: Representin OEV
brookscl: Cruisin Penn Yan
brookscl: Happy crew
brookscl: Tommy and Miriam Mangione
brookscl: Cove games - Nancy, Jessie and Sandy
brookscl: Time for a facelift
brookscl: New sectional!
brookscl: Dad's sittin porch
brookscl: Chris and Jim
brookscl: Dominion w/the Ginns
brookscl: Taylor and Logan at the Finger Lakes Boating Museum
brookscl: Julie and a K boat
brookscl: In the old Taylor winery at the boating museum
brookscl: Wits and Wagers with the Ginns
brookscl: Group effort to launch the raft
brookscl: First sally of the season??
brookscl: Gully Ginns :)
brookscl: Hi Chris
brookscl: Getting a little loopy with that lamp project?
brookscl: Heel the boat!
brookscl: It takes a village to step the mast
brookscl: Rigging the Dutchman
brookscl: Keuka cloud!!
brookscl: Jerry giving a tour at the Curtiss Museum